Prophetic Focus for February 2020

Breaking Limit greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe we are still in our season of harvest of answers to our prayers all through the recently concluded annual prayer and fasting in this Church; and may the impact of the diverse encounters granted each one of us be evident for all to see all through this year and beyond. Amen.

But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of February?
The Word is the custodian of God’s plan and purpose for His children – Jer. 29:11-12/ Isa. 14:24
The Word is loaded with treasure of great price – Mat. 13:43-46
But these treasures can only be accessed by revelation – Gen. 13:14-15/ Act. 20:32’
They impart on all areas of life, including spiritual, mental, physical and our social life – Eph. 1:3/ 2 Pet. 1:3
The secrets of God that make stars in the kingdom are hidden in the Word and we cannot access them except He reveals them to us – Deut. 29:29 /Job. 29:4/ Job. 1:1-3
God reveals His secrets through the following avenues among others:
¬ Through the fear of the Lord as a lifestyle – Psa. 25:14/ Dan. 1:8/ Dan. 2:19
¬ Through a quiet and meek spirit – 1 Pet. 3:4/ Psa. 25:9/ Num. 12:1-3/ Psa. 103:7
¬ Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit – Jn 14:26/ Jn 16:12-14
¬ Through spirited search of the scriptures – Isa. 26:9/ Luk. 15:8-9/ Pro. 20:27
¬ Through the ministry of teaching priests and their resources – 2 Chr. 15:3-6/ Jer. 3:15-16/ 2 Tim. 4:13
¬ Through meditation in the Word – Psa. 119:97-100/ 1 Tim. 4:13/15
¬ Through Prayers and fasting– Jer. 33:3/ Dan. 2:16-19/30

In addition, access to divine secrets can recover any level of loss, as in the case of Job – Job. 23:10/ Job. 42:10-16

This is why, access to divine secrets is a platform for the rise of giants – Gen. 41:15-16/38-44
Furthermore, access to divine secrets is a covenant platform for breaking limits – Dan. 2:16/46

We have more than enough treasures in the Word that can set anyone above the nations of the earth, only that they must be discovered and engaged with before they can deliver – Deut. 29:29/ Deut. 28:1

Most of the times, these treasures are delivered as instructions and as we all know, instructions are meant to be convenient but to be followed – Mat. 7:24-25/ Jam. 1:22-25/ Josh. 1:8
At other times, scriptural instructions may appear cruel, but that is gateway to the realm of breaking limits – Gen. 22:1-2/16-18/ Jn 9:1-8

But to fully realize our heritage of breaking limits in Christ, we must continue to walk in the light of His Word as a way of life – Eph. 5:8/ Isa. 60:1-3/22/ Jn 12:35

We understand from scriptures that every child of God is redeemed a star after the order of Christ – Rev. 22:16/ Jn 17:18
We should all look forward to the emergence of an army of stars in this Commission as we continue to engage in serving god and the interest of His kingdom – Mat. 6:33/ Dan. 12:3/ Mat. 7:24-25
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of February 2020 is:

MY STAR IS RISING – 2 Cor. 3:18

Recommended books of the month authored by me include:
*Turnaround Power of the Word *Following the path of the Eagle *The Force of Freedom *Born to Win

Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo